Aaron Cicali

Full-Stack Web Developer fluent in


Floral Systems, Pembroke, NY

Lead Application Developer

Dec 2013 - Sep 2023

Developed and supported applications including an ecommerce platform, point of sale system, and internal systems. Systems administrator, customer support, and full-stack web development ranging from simple websites to single-page javascript-heavy software.

Reeds Jenss, Amherst, NY

Lead Application Developer

Oct 2012 - Nov 2013

Developed intranet software containing visually rich company sales reporting, user management, authentication and access control, customer data exports, transaction retrieval and more. Integrated internal ERP system (IBM AS/400) with reedsjenss.com for live inventory and with company intranet for sales, customer, and employee data. Provided technical support to associates in home office and store locations.

Leisure Living, Tonawanda, NY

Lead Application Developer

Jul 2010 - Oct 2012

Planned, developed and supported an in-house ecommerce platform which became responsible for significant revenue growth. Improved internal processes by creating services between existing systems, as well as planning and developing new systems. Performed systems administration duties including software installation, patching and backups in a Linux environment.

Core101, Buffalo, NY

Web Application Developer

Jul 2009 - Jul 2010

Managed client projects from start to completion, implementing server-side and client-side solutions based on detailed specifications. Supported a variety of platforms including content management and e-commerce systems written in both PHP/MySQL and Coldfusion/MSSQL.

Niagara Arts & Cultural Center, Niagara Falls, NY

IT Manager & Technical Instructor

Nov 2006 - May 2009

Performed technical functions for this non-profit organization including but not limited to intranet software development (employee management, employee timeclock, classroom rostering system, and payroll functions). Taught web development and computer skills to local youth as part of an afterschool program funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers federal grant.

Cicali Computer Consulting, Niagara Falls, NY

Sole Proprietor / Web Technologist

Aug 2002 - Jul 2009

Researched, planned, and executed projects for residential and business clients in all areas of technology. Projects include web design & development, print design, CD/DVD authoring and duplication, custom computer system builds, computer repair, network design and implementation, training and troubleshooting.

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